Induction heating is a commonly used term that is widely used by different industries including industrial and construction like pipeline, welding, shipbuilding, vessel repair and mining industries. The welding application needs to be pre-heated, as it reduces the temperature difference between arc and base material. Preheating offers several benefits like it reduces the risk of cracking and chances of failed welding. The pre-heating can save a significant amount of time and provide temperature consistency- while offering a wide range of benefits.

How does induction heating machine work?

Preheating includes heating the base material- or at least its surrounding area to a specific temperature before the process of welding begins. In the induction heating system, the heat is produced electromagnetically and with the help of hysteresis. There are several heating tools placed around the object and it generates heat. The industrial machinery suppliers in UAE use this method.

What are the benefits of it?

As compared to an open flame, pre-heating offers several benefits. Some of the major benefits include

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